Crystals and Their Healing Powers – Spiritually Awoken Angelic Reiki - By Gary Bashford

Crystals & Their Healing Powers

Are you a clairvoyant crystal healer?

Many people are drawn to crystals, because of their powerful energy, are you a clairvoyant and crystal healer? The power of crystals is immense. Crystals were discovered in Britain 10,000 years ago. Crystals have been on the planet for some 30,000 years. It is thought that there have been malachite mines in Sinai since 4000 BC. The oldest amulets are of Baltic amber, which were discovered at the end of the last ice age. Amber beads were the first Crystal to be made into bracelets and necklaces.

Crystals are used in healing today, there are some stones that will help improve with clairvoyance. Crystals have a real power to the user of them and can help to alleviate pain or eradicate illness all together when used in conjunction with the healing Angels.

Here are some of the most popular crystals and their healing properties

Carnelian enhances and energizes the physical, emotional and mental bodies. It’s warm, pleasing and exultant energy attunes with the inner self helping to open the heart and mind. It helps restore energy and increase one’s purpose. It is great for stimulating inspiration. Carnelian is full of life force and gives us courage and strength to make the right life choices. It helps secure you in the present reality, aiding meditation and willpower, allowing you to trust yourself and your observations.

Carnelian stone orange in colour - Improves quality of the blood, promotes digestion, circulation and blood flow. Aids tissue rejuvenation, helping the kidneys, lungs, liver, gall bladder and pancreas. Helps to overcome abuse behaviour and neglect.

Healing:  Improves quality of the blood, promotes digestion, circulation and blood flow. Aids tissue rejuvenation, helping the kidneys, lungs, liver, gall bladder and pancreas. Helps to overcome abuse behaviour and neglect.

 Citrine used for cleansing

Citrine is used for cleansing and revitalization, a powerful stimulating stone that provides joy, bravery, confidence and passion. It is said to hold the energy of the sun, enhancing our self-esteem, self-expression and creativity. Citrine is a powerful cleansing and energizing stone, it will refresh and awakening the mind, body and soul. It attracts wealth and success into our lives.

Citrine yellow in colour - Helps the organs in the digestive system and the heart, reduces illness, aids tissue regeneration, and detoxifies the physical, emotional & mental bodies. It is also helpful for menstrual and menopausal symptoms, in balancing hormones and improving fatigue.

Healing: Helps the organs in the digestive system and the heart, reduces illness, aids tissue regeneration, and detoxifies the physical, emotional & mental bodies. It is also helpful for menstrual and menopausal symptoms, in balancing hormones and improving fatigue.


Aventurine promotes positive and empathy, easy-going approach towards living, balances male and female energies, brings joy, happiness and emotional tranquillity. It aligns one's centres, purifies the physical, mental and emotional bodies, promoting health and wellbeing. Aventurine promotes empathy and understanding, calming our attendances to break out in a rage. It stimulates our thinking, creativity, inspiration and individuality. It protects us against electromagnetic energy and environmental contamination. It is also a stone of wealth.

Aventurine green in colour - Stimulates healing of the muscular tissue and bones, relieves worries and migraines, helps blood pressure and cholesterol, aids in releasing fear, anxiety and stress, aids in sleep disorders, helps protect against heart conditions and inflammation. Chakras: Heart

Healing: Stimulates healing of the muscular tissue and bones, relieves worries and migraines, helps blood pressure and cholesterol, aids in releasing fear, anxiety and stress, aids in sleep disorders, helps protect against heart conditions and inflammation.
Chakras: Heart


Clear Quartz a powerful healing stone

Clear Quartz is known as a potent and universal powerful healing stone, it works on all areas of the mind and body, awakening, strengthening and transferring energy and clarifying thought processes. It connects to the higher self, removes negativity and allows access to your spirit guides. Clear Quartz provides clarity in thinking and awareness. Improving your mind and memory recall.
Clear Quartz is known as the master healer, a powerful healing stone that can be used to help the entire body. It will increase the energy of other crystals. It stimulates and balances the energy of the whole body, boosting the immune system. It is also excellent for activating the pineal and pituitary glands.

Clear Quartz is known as the master healer, a powerful healing stone that can be used to help the entire body. It will increase the energy of other crystals. It stimulates and balances the energy of the whole body, boosting the immune system. It is also excellent for activating the pineal and pituitary glands.

Chakras: All Chakra

Aquamarine gives you clarity and purification it cleanses the body and heightens clarity of mind with its soft and gentle energy. It helps bring closure to unsettled situations. It is especially good for vulnerable people promoting self-courage, elevating fears and anxieties. Aquamarine is an excellent stone for meditation, calming and balancing the physical, emotional and mental aspects.

Blue aquamarine calms the nerves and reduces fluid retention, is good for sore throats. It strengthens the kidneys, liver, spleen and the pituitary & thyroid glands

Healing: Aquamarine calms the nerves and reduces fluid retention, is good for sore throats. It strengthens the kidneys, liver, spleen and the pituitary & thyroid glands.

Chakras: All (aligning), especially the throat


Amazonite the stone of Intuition and hope. Amazonite helps filter outside information using Intuition. Amazonite encourages faith, enhances male qualities and physical strength.

Amazonite Good for the brain and nervous system.

Healing: Amazonite Good for the brain and nervous system.
Chakras: Heart


Amethyst is the stone of spirituality and contentment

Amethyst is a stone that gives spiritual contentment, stability, strength, inner calm. It is a great stone for contemplation and meditation it boosts your intuition and spiritual abilities with its calming and peaceful energy. Amethyst provides clarity and enhances insight perception and understanding of the spiritual realms. 

Amethyst assists in calming the mind, decreases insomnia and allows restful sleep, reduces stress, eases headaches, helps with hormone production, strengthens the immune system, cleansing organs and respiratory system, reduces bruising and swelling. Assists in the function of the pineal and pituitary glands.
Healing: Amethyst assists in calming the mind, decreases insomnia and allows restful sleep, reduces stress, eases headaches, helps with hormone production, strengthens the immune system, cleansing organs and respiratory system, reduces bruising and swelling. Assists in the function of the pineal and pituitary glands.

Chakras: Third Eye & Crown

Hematite, Many men are drawn to Hematite it will ground and protective you, it is a stone that magnetises energises and rejuvenates the physical body. It promotes confidence, determination, courage, self-esteem and willpower, helping you to draw to you what you truly want Hematite balances the mind, body and spirit, helping to dissolve pessimism.

Hematite - aids circulatory problems, increases iron in the blood and the flow of oxygen through the body, stimulates the glands, activates the spleen, liver and gall bladder.

Healing: Hematite - aids circulatory problems, increases iron in the blood and the flow of oxygen through the body, stimulates the glands, activates the spleen, liver and gall bladder.


Labradorite is a highly spiritual and protecting stone, it works on all areas of the mind and body enhancing energy and refining thought processes. It is known as the bringer of light and is excellent for reflection and meditation, focusing energies with more intensity allowing you to connect to your high self and seek out your spiritual objective. Helps clear and protect your aura. Labradorite stimulates instinct, raising the consciousness and connecting to the cosmic energy of the universe. It is a stone of change and shows you the intensions of a person or situation. The iridescent colours are so beautiful, some stones have flecks of gold reflection.

Labradorite balances hormones, lowers blood pressure and helps with disorders of the eyes.

Healing: Labradorite balances hormones, lowers blood pressure and helps with disorders of the eyes.


Rose Quartz promotes unconditional love.

Rose quartz is most well know for promoting unconditional love, forgiveness, peace and compassion. It creates harmony in relationships and teaches us about the true essence of love. It purifies and opens the heart allowing us to express our feelings. It reduces stress and anxiety, allowing us to direct love, sensitivity and compassion towards ourselves and others. Rose Quartz brings a deep inner healing, enhancing self-love, self-trust, self-worth and self-confidence. It can be used to attract love into your life and maintain happy loving relationships

Rose Quartz aids in in the healing and strengthening of the heart and circulatory system. It promotes healing of respiratory problems, releasing impurities from the body. It is also used to increases fertility.

Healing: Rose Quartz aids in in the healing and strengthening of the heart and circulatory system. It promotes healing of respiratory problems, releasing impurities from the body. It is also used to increases fertility.


Tiger Eye the stone of personal power, brings self-confidence, strength, courage, protection and good luck. It sharpens the senses, promotes intuition and helps you to be practical, focused and grounded. It enhances personal power, allows clarity, good decision making. Tiger Eye can be used to stimulate wealth and maintain it.

Tigers Eye balances emotions, reduces headaches, aids the digestive organs, spleen, pancreas, and colon. Helps the reproductive system, relieves asthma attacks and enhances night vision.

Healing: Tigers Eye balances emotions, reduces headaches, aids the digestive organs, spleen, pancreas, and colon. Helps the reproductive system, relieves asthma attacks and enhances night vision.


Smokey Quartz dissolves and clears away blocked energy & removes negativity, has a mildly sedative affect, helping you to chill out. It is an excellent stone for mediation as it assists in grounding, centering and enhancing awareness, dream and memory recall and enhances channelling abilities

Smokey Quartz can be used to help alleviate depression and clear blocked negative energy on all levels.

Healing: Smokey Quartz can be used to help alleviate depression and clear blocked negative energy on all levels.
Chakras: root


Red Jasper represents Mother Earth and is a very grounding stone it encourages stability and balance in life. It warms and will cheer you up. It enhances courageous and dynamic energy that sustains and supports in times of stress. Red Jasper brings feelings of calm and harmony. It’s grounding energy brings a sense of contentment and unity.

Red Jasper timulates blood flow, the cardiovascular and intestinal systems.

Healing: Red Jasper stimulates blood flow, the cardiovascular and intestinal systems.


Black Tourmaline is a very supportive stone that shields us from external changes, dissolving stress, tension, and negative energy. It grounds and anchors light energy within the physical body, promoting inner wisdom, mastery, individuality, stability, courage, and patience bringing peace to the heart and mind. Black Tourmaline also protects against the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation and inharmonious energies.

Black Tourmaline aids sleep, strengthens the immune system and provides pain relief. It helps with the adrenal glands, kidneys, spinal column, colon & legs.

Healing: Black Tourmaline aids sleep, strengthens the immune system and provides pain relief. It helps with the adrenal glands, kidneys, spinal column, colon & legs.



Selenite enhances clarity of the mind and concentration, expanding one’s awareness of the self and of ones surroundings and having a positive effect on the brain. It soothes the nerves and enhances willpower.

Chakras: Heart